Yesterday at the Ford Nature Center
AKA my place of employment
We found a fawn.

Do you see what I see?
Is she not the most precious thing?
(I don't "know" that it's a she, but I like to think so)

She is not abandoned. I repeat. NOT abandoned!
Mother deer drop their young, and then they leave them.
It's going to be okay.
Don't feed it. Give it water. Or try to put it in your car.

The fawn can't walk yet. It is at its most vulnerable time of life.
So instead of standing over it hovering, waiting hours or even days before the runt can get on its feet, the mother leaves.
If she stayed, she would only be drawing attention to it, the exact opposite of what she wants.
If she stayed, she would only be drawing attention to it, the exact opposite of what she wants.
The mother tries to hide the fawn as best she can. And let it be known, she is somewhere near by.
Feeding herself as well as getting food for her new little one.
After a time period of anywhere between a half day to a few days, the fawn will be strong enough to join its mother. And they will be happily on their way.
Now you know what to do if you find a fawn. Leave it alone. :)
If you're in an area with heavy pedestrian traffic, let the park authorities know so they can make sure no one does anything....well, stupid.

Other than that, just let that baby sleep it off and find her legs!
Hope you enjoyed the lesson. And the pictures of a baby deer.
Little Tuna
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