About Me

My name is Bethany (aka Little Tuna) and I am first and foremost a follower of Christ Jesus, my Lord and Savior.

(photo by ciaobella)

I married my wonderful husband Greg (aka Big Tuna) this past June. 

                                             (photo by ciaobella)

We're the outdoor-sy types. Hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, etc.

(photo by ciaobella)

We are proud owners of a beagle puppy named Macey.

She's our hiking buddy.

When she was little!

We moved to Youngstown, OH this passed November for Greg's job (he's a park ranger). I'm still getting used to a land without Kroger and Skyline. We're Bengals fans in Steelers and Browns country!

Cooking and baking are a joy.

I shoot a Nikon d90, landscapes and macro are my specialty.

I coupon as much as I can and love getting deals.

I have my bachelors in environmental science and I work with Mill Creek Metroparks as a Naturalist at the Ford Nature Center. I do programs for kids about wildlife, trees, etc.

I am an avid birder. I am a birder mostly by ear.
I do periodical bird walks and kayak tours for Mill Creek so keep an eye out in the monthly calendar!

Most of the photos I will post on my blog will be taken by me, unless noted. If I'm in the picture then it was either timer, or my hubby. :)  

If you would like to contact me, you can do so at bethanyfeustel@gmail.com